Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 Goals

C Goals
-do a half marathons in 2 new states ( already singed up for Tennessee)
-do 2 triathlons
-cook more, stick with meal plan
-lose 10-15 pounds and maintain
-try a crossfit class
-break 40 in a 5k
-do 1-4 30 day challenges

B Goals
-do a half marathon in 3 new states
-lose 20-25 pounds and maintain
-break 35 in a 5k
-do  5-7 30 day challenges

A Goals
-PR in half marathon
-lose 30-50 pounds and maintain
-break 30 in a 5k
-do 8-12 30 day challenges

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 in review

Below are the goals I wrote for 2013.  I was able to achieve most of my C goals but did not achieve any of the A or B goals.  I will have my 2014 goals up soon, with hopes of achieving some of my A and B goals. 

C Goals:
-do a half marathon in 2+ states (Green Bay Half in Wisconsin is already on the schedule) -
one half - Green Bay Half 
-do 2+ triathlons - indoor tri and 27 hour tri both done this year
-lose 5-10 pounds and maintain - no such luck 
-5-10 miles per week average - did this through May, but not after 
-re-break 45 minute 5k - yes! 44 minutes  

B Goals: 
-lose 15-25 pounds and maintain
-re-break 3 hours in half marathon
-11-15 miles per week average
-match 5k PR time or faster

A Goals: 
-lose 30-40 pounds and maintain
-2:45 or under in half marathon 
-16+ miles per week average 
- break 30 minute 5k