Friday, October 29, 2010

Psst... Can you keep a secret?

I ran tonight...against doctors orders. Shhh..dont tell him!

When he told me Wednesday I could walk the race I was really happy with that. But over the past couple days I had been getting that running itch. You know the one! I tried to find a walking buddy but had no luck. So what's a girl to do? Run of course!

I rode to the race with my brother in law and niece. There were over 1400 preregistered so it was a big one! It was in Frankfort ky, the state Capitol. It actually started at the old capital and went to the new one circled it and then back to the old one.

Here's a pic I stopped to take.

I started off walking. It took a couple minutes to get to the start pad. We had gone to the back since he had a stroller ad I wa going to walk. After passing te start mat it took 4 minutes of walking before Jordan had any space to start running. Weaving in and out with a stroller is not an easy task. I continued to walk for a bit more til I had a good opening then jogged til I caught up to the next clump and walked. I continued doing this for all of mile 1.

Mile 2 was up hill around the capital then back downhill. I walked the uphill and then ran the downhill.

Mile 3 I ran the whole thing minus about 10 yards of walking.

My hip didn't hurt at all! I would have walked more if it had. It really felt good to get out and run tonight!! The weather was nice and brisk and it just felt GOOD!!

My time was 3 minutes off my best. I am really happy about that considering how much I did walk and that for my best time I didn't walk any!! That made my day!! I am really looking forward to being officially released to run and working on my 5k speed!

Here's something I noticed tonight though it took a bit to get warmed up. By mile 2 I was feeling in the groove. At the half marathon I felt in the groove after mile 3. I see runners running before the race.

Do I need to do that so I get in the groove quicker. When the race is only three miles I can't wait til mile 2 to be feeling it. But I dont want to get tired and die out at the end of a race if I do run beforehand. So what do you do to get "ready"??

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I try and run about one mile before a run.

  2. Glad you ran pain free!! :o) I have always wondered why people run before a race...I used to think they were crazy!! LOL! But I guess it makes sense to get warmed up. Couldn't hurt to try it for your next race, I guess :o)

  3. Before a 5K, we usually run at least .8-1 mile warm up! That has really helped me improve my times! Great job! I'm glad you were able to run pain free!! :0)

  4. I find if I do some running before a 5K it helps my time. I think running a 5K is harder than running longer distances because I do not get into the groove till after 5K. The first 5K of any race is the worse for me.

    Keep up the great work

