Thursday, January 27, 2011

Article Frustration

Yesterday, I received an email from active and found the article below very interesting and frustrating.  In it, it talks about how when you are "in training" it is pretty much impossible to lose weight.  Now, I know that we need to fuel our bodies as we train BUT what if we have weight to lose?  Like, a lot of weight? I know in my personal experience last summer when i cut and counted calories and trained for the half the scale did NOT move. people did notice i was slimming down, i had more muscle so therefore "looked" skinnier even if the scale didnt say it. 

I've already started training for my next half. My period for losing weight before training has come and gone, with nothing to show for it.  I really believe I can get faster if I took off the extra 60 pounds I'm carrying.  But according to this article I wont be able to lose any or if i do, not very much.

Read the article and let me know what you think.... Do you agree or disagree?  Have you seen this happen with your own training?  What do i need to do so i can train AND lose weight?


  1. I read that and I was pretty irritated with it too. I trained for my first half marathon last year and ran it in March. Today I wear pants that are 2 sizes smaller and I weigh 1 pound less than I did then. It's kind of ridiculous. However I started training the beginning of this month for a full marathon in May and I have lost a little over 4 pounds this month so I am somewhat happy with that. I just get frustrated because they say running is one of the best things for your body, well I would love to see the scale move more for all of that hard work.

  2. I've also dropped a pants size but the scale remains the same. I don't know what to make of that but it IS very frustrating!
