Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Soakin' It Up

Today is a long day - midterms are this week and the library is open til 2AM rather than midnight. Which means I get to go into work an hour later than normal - which in turn gives me more time to do stuff before I go to work.  Today I went and visited some friends at a school I used to work at.  It was good to see everyone again.  :)

As soon as I got home I really wanted to take a nap. I mean I had 2 hours before I went in to work, what better way to spend it than by taking a nap?!  However, I did the right thing and got on the treadmill.  I didnt run yesterday so I knew I had to today, mainly because I have a 15K on Sunday!!   EEEK!!  I originally had 9 mile training run planned this weekend but discovered this 15K and half marathon only a couple hours away. Luckily it's about 20 minutes from where my best friend lives so it was a no brainer!  I get to kill 3 birds with 1 stone: i will be forced to do all 9.3 miles for my long run, my husband will be doing the half in hopes of breaking 2 hours (he was so close last fall, only 2 minutes off) AND I get to spend some quality time with my bestie!!  WOOHOO!! 

I popped in the Friends DVD and hopped on the treadmill.  I started walking for a few minutes before I realized that Jeremy had turned the volume down and I could barely hear it.  I stopped the tmill, hit the lap button instead of stop button on the garmin and turned up the tv.  since i hit the wrong button i just completely reset the tmill and my watch.  I made sure to wear my footpod since our tmill is whacky! 

I started walking the first couple minutes again and then turned up the speed.  I looked down a couple times at my watch, something i try not to do and was amazed every time i looked at it.  10:50, 11 mpm... WHAT?? This is me right?  I even saw a 9 in there somewhere!!  I did take one walk break in the middle but even my walking was faster than normal!

I finished 1.61 miles in under 20 minutes.  12:25 average for the whole run, which included my walking at the start and in the middle!  my first mile was 12:53 i think, and the .6 was 11 something.   I am still soaking it in that I did this. The only downfall of this run was that I had forgotten to put my sweatyband on before I got on the tmill and forgot again when I got off to turn the volume up. sweat was pouring into my eyes.  :(  boo!

What do you watch when you are on the treadmill?? 


  1. Today was Good Morning America. Glad you got your run in, good luck this weekend!

  2. Woo hoo! I watch Amazing Race, 90210, Days of Our Lives, Biggest Loser, old movies, TLC cupcake/cake shows

  3. DVR, alot of it, last night was biggest loser while on the trainer

  4. I keep old hand towels in my treadmill room and then grab one when I get on to run so I can wipe off the sweat as I go.

    I usually watch stuff ondemand since I don't want tv regularly. Or we have apple tv so I can watch netflix.
