Friday, July 23, 2010

Sweaty bands, sweaty bands what will they do for you?

(title can be sung to the tune of "smelly cat" from friends).

Impressed and Amazed! These words come to mind when I think about wearing my sweaty band this morning.

I have had some bad experiences with headbands prior to today. They would not stay in place, fly off the back of my head, give me a headache, and hurt behind my ears due to pressing against my glasses! :(.

I have had some friends that tried a sweaty band but I was still skeptical mainly due to my glasses being an issue. My glasses were not an issue today and neither was the sweat!

It worked just like it was supposed to! I had the bottom of the band at the base of my hairline. It stayed in place the whole time! It never slipped, not one time!! On the walk breaks I pulled it down to just above my eyebrows and pushed it back to my hairline just to wipe the sweat off my forehead.

During my previous runs I would end up with a solid line of sweat running right into the corner of my eyes. With the sweaty bands I didn't have that problem either!

And as an added bonus they are super duper cute!! See my pics below. If you have any reservations about sweaty bands put them aside and go buy one so you can see for yourself how awesome they are!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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